Friday, May 27, 2011

i can't guess who you are.

whoever that left that comment under the name Guess who I am, give la clue if you want me to guess. i wasn't being emotional anyway. just don't get why certain people don't appreciate the value of friendship. that's all.

i've survived the first week of internship. it wasn't too good or too bad. people were nice. there's nothing much for me to do yet. and the only coffee i made in the office was for myself. hahaha. as much as i want to start doing something important, i pity those who had loads of work thrown at them in the first week itself. i'd still like it one step at a time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

maybe all the clocks are wrong.

i love reading blogs. it's one of the place where you can get dirt out of people without the need to get them drunk or exchanging them with your dirt.
the days of exciting blog surf seems long gone with a lot of pretentious narcissistic blogs around now. those were the days where blogs were the alternative to books where you'd get a short but good read.
these days, all we get are just one after another photoshopped pictures. oh well, people can do what they want on the internet. i mean... *turn to look at Rebecca Black* you get my point.

i heard somewhere that the earth is spinning faster than it was years ago. *it's a fact, i think, try googling it.* which is why our days seem to be passing so much faster than before. but then it doesn't really make sense right? if the earth is spinning faster, that just makes the sun rise and set faster but why is Glee still an hour on the TV. unless if the clocks are wrong. maybe all the clocks are wrong. *hmm...*

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

sleep eat sleep and eat some more.

nobody reads this blog anyway. i'll reset it as many times as i want.

so the semester has ended and so has my 2nd year. keeping everything crossed so that i don't break the record of not failing any subjects. hopefully nothing below a C this time. seriously worried that this time. not even kidding. how can anyone write 6 pages for a question anyway? i did used 2 answer booklets but that's because i skipped a page and i cancelled a few.

anyway, internship starts 2 weeks from now. excitedddd! for some reason i feel like calling the company up to ask if i can report in early but i know i'm gonna regret it later. it's freaking boring staying at home doing nothing but eat and watch TV and eat and sleep and eat again. why don't i know what to do when i'm so free at home now?

this semester has been pretty fun. dramas aside, assignments has been fun. didnt really screw any of them up. Hurrah for that!

i seriously don't understand how close friends can turn into strangers. friends will always be friends. i never expect much from friends, because i know they don't have the obligation to fulfill everything i expect of them. as long as they don't betray my trust or do anything that's offensive to me, i'm fine. maybe some people think differently. maybe just being a friend is not enough for some people. i just hope that everything will be back to normal after these couple of months away from each other.