Tuesday, December 20, 2011

bummed out.

I've been juggling so much these few months and I'm beginning to feel so fed up with everything. Working a few jobs to make a living while being in school sound like the perfect story to tell when i'm successful one day, but honestly, I don't even know if I'm gonna be successful someday. (I'm just kidding, of course I'm know I'll be someone someday. Ha ha)

I'm beginning to question if all these hard work is really gonna do me any good. I'm just really bummed out that everyone is in the holiday and party mood while I'm stuck at home being bummed out about the situation that I'm in. That is why I'm staying away from all social networking sites, except for Tetris Battle on Facebook. I live for that!

Things are just not going really well recently. I know for a fact that things are gonna turn around in a couple of weeks but until then, I'll still be bummed out. :(

Friday, September 2, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

cristiano ronaldo- always on

why do they all seem so cool... until they open their mouth and start talking?

problem with being acrophobic.

well, I'm slightly acrophobic. I don't think I'll ever be able to do these.
I might try bungee jumping someday, maybe even skydiving.
But climbing a mountain VERTICALLY... and camping on it...
and plunging down with just some flaps when you reach the top...
nahh... I'll find something else to do. Ha ha ha.
Totally respect those guys though.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

maru the cat.

This is probably one of the cutest cat on the internet. It launches itself into boxes for no apparent reason. How cute is that?


I'm not so into Facebook now. I personally find SoundCloud and StumbleUpon much more fun. Twitter is alright, YouTube is awesome. the only reason i'm still on Facebook is because I've got to get school related info from groups on Facebook. I guess in this day and age you just can't avoid using Facebook, just make sure it doesn't take over your life. Once in a while, take a step back and try to see people living their life that revolves around Facebook. it's a pretty sad sight.

Kid Cudi - No One Believes Me.

Great soundtrack. Can't wait for the movie to reach our shore! 29 september 2011. Only in 3D apparently.

NYC in slow motion.

8 Hours in Brooklyn from Next Level Pictures on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Thomas Carlyle Ford

A little back dated but still a good read. Here's an interview with Tom Ford by The Talk. I bookmarked it so i can read it again in the future.

It's ironic isn't it to have worked so hard to earn everything and realize that those things are not that important.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

is this cute or what?

i love this! it's funny how the cat reactivates just like that. ha ha ha.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

the reasons i think being dumped is better than dumping someone.

1. You've got a reason to look really hot.

As seen in typical chick flick and romantic comedies, when someone dumps you, you’ll go crying in your room for days, you’ll replace water with booze and depending on individuals, you'll have either Adele or Dashboard Confessional playing on repeat the whole time. Once you’re totally messed up, your best friends will take you out and get you a make over so you can look hotter than before. Then, you will accidentally bump into your ex on purpose so that he/she can see how hot you’ve become.

2. You can eat as much as you want without feeling guilty.

Because food heals the soul, baby.

3. People most likely will stand on your side.

Even though mutual friends will say that they will not be picking sides, but secretly they’ll be on your side. That is, unless you’re a cheater or you screwed up horribly.

4. It becomes acceptable for you to be unreasonably annoyed with certain someone.

When someone dumps you, you automatically gain the privilege to whine and moan about certain someone and people would understand it. In fact, they love these dramas. Sometimes people might even love you for all your bitching. Just look at Taylor Swift.

5. You’ll never have to regret.

In the future you’ll probably look back on relationships that you have had and there will probably be one or two relationships where you’d regret ending it. So, to save yourself from these regrets, avoid dumping people. With exception that the relationship is terribly bad, you’d probably be better of alone. But I guess if it’s that bad it would end up being a mutual parting kinda thing.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

oh mai gaaaaad!

up until now other than the lil electrocution that i get from touching the monitor, i still think buying the imac is one of the smartest decision i've made in the past 22 21 and a half years of my life.

oh yeah, i still can't believe that the entire day in office today i didn't manage to read an entire post from ThoughtCatalog or Hypebeast which is abnormal since reading that 2 sites is basically the only thing i do ever since i've got a computer in the office as an intern.

i'm glad though! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

i can't guess who you are.

whoever that left that comment under the name Guess who I am, give la clue if you want me to guess. i wasn't being emotional anyway. just don't get why certain people don't appreciate the value of friendship. that's all.

i've survived the first week of internship. it wasn't too good or too bad. people were nice. there's nothing much for me to do yet. and the only coffee i made in the office was for myself. hahaha. as much as i want to start doing something important, i pity those who had loads of work thrown at them in the first week itself. i'd still like it one step at a time.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

maybe all the clocks are wrong.

i love reading blogs. it's one of the place where you can get dirt out of people without the need to get them drunk or exchanging them with your dirt.
the days of exciting blog surf seems long gone with a lot of pretentious narcissistic blogs around now. those were the days where blogs were the alternative to books where you'd get a short but good read.
these days, all we get are just one after another photoshopped pictures. oh well, people can do what they want on the internet. i mean... *turn to look at Rebecca Black* you get my point.

i heard somewhere that the earth is spinning faster than it was years ago. *it's a fact, i think, try googling it.* which is why our days seem to be passing so much faster than before. but then it doesn't really make sense right? if the earth is spinning faster, that just makes the sun rise and set faster but why is Glee still an hour on the TV. unless if the clocks are wrong. maybe all the clocks are wrong. *hmm...*

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

sleep eat sleep and eat some more.

nobody reads this blog anyway. i'll reset it as many times as i want.

so the semester has ended and so has my 2nd year. keeping everything crossed so that i don't break the record of not failing any subjects. hopefully nothing below a C this time. seriously worried that this time. not even kidding. how can anyone write 6 pages for a question anyway? i did used 2 answer booklets but that's because i skipped a page and i cancelled a few.

anyway, internship starts 2 weeks from now. excitedddd! for some reason i feel like calling the company up to ask if i can report in early but i know i'm gonna regret it later. it's freaking boring staying at home doing nothing but eat and watch TV and eat and sleep and eat again. why don't i know what to do when i'm so free at home now?

this semester has been pretty fun. dramas aside, assignments has been fun. didnt really screw any of them up. Hurrah for that!

i seriously don't understand how close friends can turn into strangers. friends will always be friends. i never expect much from friends, because i know they don't have the obligation to fulfill everything i expect of them. as long as they don't betray my trust or do anything that's offensive to me, i'm fine. maybe some people think differently. maybe just being a friend is not enough for some people. i just hope that everything will be back to normal after these couple of months away from each other.