Thursday, August 18, 2011

cristiano ronaldo- always on

why do they all seem so cool... until they open their mouth and start talking?

problem with being acrophobic.

well, I'm slightly acrophobic. I don't think I'll ever be able to do these.
I might try bungee jumping someday, maybe even skydiving.
But climbing a mountain VERTICALLY... and camping on it...
and plunging down with just some flaps when you reach the top...
nahh... I'll find something else to do. Ha ha ha.
Totally respect those guys though.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

maru the cat.

This is probably one of the cutest cat on the internet. It launches itself into boxes for no apparent reason. How cute is that?


I'm not so into Facebook now. I personally find SoundCloud and StumbleUpon much more fun. Twitter is alright, YouTube is awesome. the only reason i'm still on Facebook is because I've got to get school related info from groups on Facebook. I guess in this day and age you just can't avoid using Facebook, just make sure it doesn't take over your life. Once in a while, take a step back and try to see people living their life that revolves around Facebook. it's a pretty sad sight.

Kid Cudi - No One Believes Me.

Great soundtrack. Can't wait for the movie to reach our shore! 29 september 2011. Only in 3D apparently.

NYC in slow motion.

8 Hours in Brooklyn from Next Level Pictures on Vimeo.